Author Index G, 71-80

J&MC Quarterly Index Vol. 71-80 • 1994 to 2003

GADE, PETER J. and EARNEST L. PERRY, Changing the Newsroom Culture: A Four-Year Case Study of Organizational Development at the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 80:2, 327-347.


GANT, CAMILLA and JOHN DIMMICK, Making Local News: A Holistic Analysis of Sources, Selection Criteria, and Topics, 77:3, 628-638.


GAO, DANDAN (See Wanta).

GARRISON, BRUCE, Journalists’ Perceptions of Online Information-Gathering Problems, 77:3, 500-514.

GASSAWAY, BOB M. (See McDevitt).


GAZIANO, CECILIE, Forecast 2000: Widening Knowledge Gaps, 74:2, 237-264.

GEIGER, SETH (See O’Sullivan).

GIBSON, RHONDA and DOLF ZILLMANN, Effects of Citation in Exemplifying Testimony on Issue Perception, 75:1, 167-176.

GIBSON, RHONDA and DOLF ZILLMANN, Reading between the Photographs: The Influence of Incidental Pictorial Information on Issue Perception, 77:2, 355-366.

GIBSON, RHONDA (See Hester).

GIBSON, RHONDA (See Zillmann).


GIFFARD, C. ANTHONY and NANCY K. RIVENBURGH, News Agencies, National Images, and Global Media Events, 77:1, 8-21.

GILBERT, SARAH ANN, A Response to “Old-Growth Forests on Network News: News Sources and the Framing of an Environmental Controversy,” 74:4, 883-886.

GLADNEY, GEORGE ALBERT, How Editors and Readers Rank and Rate the Importance of Eighteen Traditional Standards of Newspaper Excellence, 73:2, 319-331.

GLEASON, TIMOTHY W. (See Stavitsky).

GLOWAKI, CHRIS (See Johnson).

GOLAN, GUY and WAYNE WANTA, Second-Level Agenda Setting in the New Hampshire Primary: A Comparison of Coverage in Three Newspapers and Public Perceptions of Candidates, 78:2, 247-259.

GOMERY, DOUGLAS, Rethinking TV History, 74:3, 501-514.

GOODMAN, J. ROBYN, LISA L. DUKE, and JOHN SUTHERLAND, Olympic Athletes and Heroism in Advertising: Gendered Concepts of Valor?, 79:2, 374-393.

GOODMAN, J. ROBYN, Flabless Is Fabulous: How Latina and Anglo Women Read and Incorporate the Excessively Thin Body Ideal into Everyday Experience, 79:3, 712-727.

GOODSON, SABRINA R. and MARY ALICE SHAVER, Hispanic Marketing: National Advertiser Spending Patterns and Media Choices, 71:1, 191-198.

GOWER, KARLA K. (See Packer).

GRABE, MARIA ELIZABETH, Tabloid and Traditional Television News Magazine Crime Stories: Crime Lessons and Reaffirmation of Social Class Distinctions, 73:4, 926-946.

GRABE, MARIA ELIZABETH, SHUHUA ZHOU, and BROOKE BARNETT, Sourcing and Reporting in News Magazine Programs: 60 Minutes versus Hard Copy, 76:2, 293-311.

GRAF, JOSEPH D. (See Becker).

GRIFFIN, JEFFREY L., The Effectiveness of Locator Maps in Increasing Reader Understanding of the Geography of Foreign News, 71:4, 937-946.

GRIFFIN, MICHAEL and JONGSOO LEE, Picturing the Gulf War: Constructing an Image of War in Time, Newsweek, and U.S. News & World Report, 72:4, 813-825.

GRIFFIN, ROBERT J. and SHARON DUNWOODY, Impacts of Information Subsidies and Community Structure on Local Press Coverage of Environmental Contamination, 72:2, 271-284.

GRIFFIN, ROBERT J. and SHAIKAT SEN, Causal Communication: Movie Portrayals and Audience Attributions for Vietnam Veterans’ Problems, 72:3, 511-524.

GRIMES, TOM and ROBERT DRECHSEL, Word-Picture Juxtaposition, Schemata, and Defamation in Television News, 73:1, 169-180.


GUNTHER, ALBERT C., YAH-HUEI HONG, and LULU RODRIGUEZ, Balancing Trust in Media and Trust in Government during Political Change in Taiwan, 71:3, 628-636.

GUNTHER, ALBERT C. and CINDY T. CHRISTEN, Effects of News Slant and Base Rate Information on Perceived Public Opinion, 76:2, 277-292.

GUNTHER, ALBERT C. and STELLA CHIH-YUN CHIA, Predicting Pluralistic Ignorance: The Hostile Media Perception and Its Consequences, 78:4, 688-701.


GUTIERREZ-VILLALOBOS, SONIA, JAMES K. HERTOG, and RAMONA R. RUSH, Press Support for the U.S. Administration during the Panama Invasion: Analyses of Strategic and Tactical Critique in the Domestic Press, 71:3, 618-627.


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