Author Index H, 71-80

J&MC Quarterly Index Vol. 71-80 • 1994 to 2003

HAAS, TANNI (See Massey).

HALSTUK, MARTIN E. and BILL F. CHAMBERLIN, Open Government in the Digital Age: The Legislative History of How Congress Established a Right of Public Access to Electronic Information Held by Federal Agencies, 78:1, 45-64.

HANSEN, ANNE (See Coulson).

HANSEN, KATHLEEN A., JEAN WARD, JOAN L. CONNERS, and MARK NEUZIL, Local Breaking News: Sources, Technology, and News Routines, 71:3, 561-572.

HANSEN, KATHLEEN A., MARK NEUZIL, and JEAN WARD, Newsroom Topic Teams: Journalists’ Assessments of Effects on News Routines and Newspaper Quality, 75:4, 803-821.


HARRY, JOSEPH C., Covering Conflict: A Structural-Pluralist Analysis of How a Small-Town and a Big-City Newspaper Reported an Environmental Controversy, 78:3, 419-436.

HAUGLAND, ANN, Books as Culture/Books as Commerce, 71:4, 787-799.

HAWKINS, DARNELL F. (See Johnstone).

HAWKINS, ELIZA TANNER with KIRK A. HAWKINS, Bridging Latin America’s Digital Divide: Government Policies and Internet Access, 80:3, 646-665.


HAWKINS, KIRK A. (See Hawkins, Eliza Tanner).

HE, ZHOU (See Willnat).

HENNINGHAM, JOHN, Australian Journalists’ Professional and Ethical Values, 73:1, 206-218.

HENNINGHAM, JOHN, The Journalist’s Personality: An Exploratory Study, 74:3, 615-624.

HENRY, PAGET (See Rhodes).

HERTOG, JAMES K., JOHN R. FINNEGAN, JR., and EMILY KAHN, Media Coverage of AIDS, Cancer, and Sexually Transmitted Diseases: A Test of the Public Arenas Model, 71:2, 291-304.

HERTOG, JAMES K., Elite Press Coverage of the 1986 U.S.-Libya Conflict: A Case Study of Tactical and Strategic Critique, 77:3, 612-627.

HERTOG, JAMES K. (See Gutierrez-Villalobos).

HERZOG, KRISTIN (See Walsh-Childers).

HESSE, MICHAEL B. (See Stamm and Emig).

HESTER, JOE BOB and RHONDA GIBSON, The Economy and Second-Level Agenda Setting: A Time-Series Analysis of Economic News and Public Opinion about the Economy, 80:1, 73-90.

HESTER, JOE BOB (See Perry).

HIGGINS, DONNA (See McAlister).


HINDMAN, DOUGLAS BLANKS, Community Newspapers, Community Structural Pluralism, and Local Conflict with Nonlocal Groups, 73:3, 708-721.

HINDMAN, DOUGLAS BLANKS, ROBERT LITTLEFIELD, ANN PRESTON, and DENNIS NEUMANN, Structural Pluralism, Ethnic Pluralism, and Community Newspapers, 76:2, 250-263.

HINDMAN, DOUGLAS BLANKS, The Rural-Urban Digital Divide, 77:3, 549-560.

HINDMAN, ELIZABETH BLANKS, “Spectacles of the Poor”: Conventions of Alternative News, 75:1, 177-193.

HINDMAN, ELIZABETH BLANKS, “Lynch-Mob Journalism” vs. “Compelling Human Drama”: Editorial Responses to Coverage of the Pretrial Phase of the O.J. Simpson Case, 76:3, 499-515.

HINDMAN, ELIZABETH BLANKS, The Princess and the Paparazzi: Blame, Responsibility, and the Media’s Role in the Death of Diana, 80:3, 666-688.

HINES, RANDALL W. and JERRY HILLIARD, A Study of Tennessee Newspapers’ Use of Traditional Headline “Rules,” 72:3, 698-705.

HITCHON, JACQUELINE C., The Locus of Metaphorical Persuasion: An Empirical Test, 74:1, 55-68.




HOERRNER, KEISHA L., Symbolic Politics: Congressional Interest in Television Violence from 1950 to 1996, 76:4, 684-698.


HOLLANDER, BARRY A., The New News and the 1992 Presidential Campaign: Perceived vs. Actual Political Knowledge, 72:4, 786-798.

HOLLANDER, BARRY A., Talk Radio: Predictors of Use and Effects on Attitudes about Government, 73:1, 102-113.

HOLLIFIELD, C. ANN, The Specialized Business Press and Industry-Related Political Communication: A Comparative Study, 74:4, 757-772.

HOLLIFIELD, C. ANN (See Daniels).

HONG, YAH-HUEI (See Gunther).

HONNOLD, JULIE A. (See Kennamer).

HOPKINS, W. WAT, The Supreme Court Defines the Marketplace of Ideas, 73:1, 40-52.

HORNIK, ROBERT (See Maxwell).


HOROWITZ, EDWARD M. (See Eveland).

HOWARD, HERBERT H., TV Station Group and Cross-Media Ownership: A 1995 Update, 72:2, 390-401.

HU, YU-WEI (See Wanta).


HUANG, LI-NING (See Price).

HUANG, REN HE (See Tamborini).

HUBERLIE, MARA (See Merskin).

HUCKINS, KYLE, Interest-Group Influence on the Media Agenda: A Case Study, 76:1, 76-86.

HUGHES, WILLIAM J., The “Not-So-Genial” Conspiracy: The New York Times and Six Presidential “Honeymoons,” 1953-1993, 72:4, 841-850.

HUME, JANICE, The “Forgotten” 1918 Influenza Epidemic and Press Portrayal of Public Anxiety, 77:4, 898-915.

HUME, JANICE, “Portraits of Grief,” Reflectors of Values: The New York Times Remembers Victims of September 11, 80:1, 166-182.

HUSSELBEE, L. PAUL and GUIDO H. STEMPEL III, Contrast in U.S. Media Coverage of Two Major Canadian Elections, 74:3, 591-601.

HUSSELBEE, L. PAUL and LARRY ELLIOTT, Looking beyond Hate: How National and Regional Newspapers Framed Hate Crimes in Jasper, Texas, and Laramie Wyoming, 79:4, 833-852.

HUXFORD, JOHN (See Maxwell).

HYNDS, ERNEST C., Editors at Most U.S. Dailies See Vital Roles for Editorial Page, 71:3, 573-582.

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