Author Index K, 71-80

J&MC Quarterly Index Vol. 71-80 • 1994 to 2003

KAHN, EMILY (See Hertog).


KAID, LYNDA LEE (See McKinnon).

KAMHAWI, RASHA and DAVID WEAVER, Mass Communication Research Trends from 1980 to 1999, 80:1, 7-27.

KAPFER, JACK (See Voakes).

KARAN, DAVID (See Slater).

KATZ, CHERYL (See Baldassare).

KATZ, ELIHU (See Wyatt).

KAYE, BARBARA K. (See Johnson).

KEENAN, KEVIN L., Skin Tones and Physical Features of Blacks in Magazine Advertisements, 73:4, 905-912.

KEETER, SCOTT (See Carpini).

KELLY, KATHLEEN S., Utilizing Public Relations Theory to Conceptualize and Test Models of Fund Raising, 72:1, 106-127.

KENDRICK, ALICE (See Fullerton).

KENNAMER, J. DAVID and JULIE A. HONNOLD, Attitude toward Homosexuality and Attention to News about AIDS, 72:2, 322-335.

KENNAMER, J. DAVID (See Carpini).

KERR, PETER A. and PATRICIA MOY, Newspaper Coverage of Fundamentalist Christians, 1980-2000, 79:1, 54-72.

KERR, ROBERT L., Impartial Spectator in the Marketplace of Ideas: The Principles of Adam Smith as an Ethical Basis for Regulation of Corporate Speech, 79:2, 394-415.

KIERNAN, VINCENT, Embargoes and Science News, 80:4, 903-920.

KILMER, PAULETTE D., “Madstones,” Clever Toads, and Killer Tarantulas (Fairy-Tale Briefs in Wild West Newspapers), 78:4, 816-835.

KIM, BONG-HYUN (See Cameron).

KIM, EUNYI (See Shoemaker).

KIM, JOOHAN (See Wyatt).

KIM, SEI-HILL, DIETRAM A. SCHEUFELE, and JAMES SHANAHAN, Think about It This Way: Attribute Agenda-Setting Function of the Press and the Public’s Evaluation of a Local Issue, 79:1, 7-25.

KIM, SUNG TAE, Making a Difference: U.S. Press Coverage of the Kwangju and Tiananmen Pro-Democracy Movements, 77:1, 22-36.

KIM, SUNG TAE, DAVID WEAVER, and LARS WILLNAT, Media Reporting and Perceived Credibility of Online Polls, 77:4, 846-864.

KIM, YUNGWOOK, Measuring the Bottom-Line Impact of Corporate Public Relations, 77:2, 273-291.

KIM, YUNGWOOK, Searching for the Organization-Public Relationship: A Valid and Reliable Instrument, 78:4, 799-815.

KING, CYNTHIA M. (See Perry).

KING, ERIKA G., The Flawed Characters in the Campaign: Prestige Newspaper Assessments of the 1992 Presidential Candidates’ Integrity and Competence, 72:1, 84-97.

KING, ERIKA G. (See Wells).


KINNICK, KATHERINE N., DEAN M. KRUGMAN, and GLEN T. CAMERON, Compassion Fatigue: Communication and Burnout toward Social Problems, 73:3, 687-707.

KITCH, CAROLYN, Changing Theoretical Perspectives on Women’s Media Images: The Emergence of Patterns in a New Area of Historical Scholarship, 74:3, 477-489.

KITCH, CAROLYN, The American Woman Series: Gender and Class in The Ladies’ Home Journal, 1897, 75:2, 243-262.

KITCH, CAROLYN, “A Death in the American Family”: Myth, Memory, and National Values in the Media Mourning of John F. Kennedy Jr., 79:2, 294-309.

KLEIN, GARY, When the News Doesn’t Fit: The New York Times and Hitler’s First Two Months in Office, February/March 1933, 78:1, 127-149.

KNOBLOCH, SILVIA, FRANCESCA DILLMAN CARPENTIER, and DOLF ZILLMANN, Effects of Salience Dimensions of Informational Utility on Selective Exposure to Online News, 80:1, 91-108.

KNUDSON, JERRY W., Licensing Journalists in Latin America: An Appraisal, 73:4, 878-889.

KODRICH, KRIS, Finding a New Way: Nicaraguan Newspapers in a Globalized World, 79:1, 101-120.

KOEHLER, ELIZABETH M., The Variable Nature of Defamation: Social Mores and Accusations of Homosexuality, 76:2, 217-228.


KOPENHAVER, LILLIAN LODGE and J. WILLIAM CLICK, High School Newspapers Still Censored Thirty Years after Tinker, 78:2, 321-339.

KOSICKI, GERALD M., LEE B. BECKER, and ERIC S. FREDIN, Buses and Ballots: The Role of Media Images in a Local Election, 71:1, 76-89.

KOSICKI, GERALD M. (See Fredin).

KRAIDY, MARWAN M., State Control of Television News in 1990s Lebanon, 76:3, 485-498.

KRAUS, SIDNEY (See Zhang).


KRUGMAN, DEAN M. (See Kinnick).

KU, GYOTAE, LYNDA LEE KAID, and MICHAEL PFAU, The Impact of Web Site Campaigning on Traditional News Media and Public Information Processing, 80:3, 528-547.

KUNZ, WILLIAM M. (See Wanta).

KURPIUS, DAVID D., Public Journalism and Commercial Local Television News: In Search of a Model, 77:2, 340-354.

KURPIUS, DAVID D. and ANDREW MENDELSON, A Case Study of Deliberative Democracy on Television: Civic Dialogue on C-SPAN Call-in Shows, 79:3, 587-601.

KURPIUS, DAVID D., Sources and Civic Journalism: Changing Patterns of Reporting?, 79:4, 853-866.

KURPIUS, DAVID (See Voakes).

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