Author Index W, 71-80

J&MC Quarterly Index Vol. 71-80 • 1994 to 2003


WAHL-JORGENSEN, KARIN, The Normative-Economic Justification for Public Discourse: Letters to the Editor as a “Wide Open” Forum, 79:1, 121-133.

WALDMAN, PAUL and JAMES DEVITT, Newspaper Photographs and the 1996 Presidential Election: The Question of Bias, 75:2, 302-311.

WALSH-CHILDERS, KIM, “A Death in the Family” – A Case Study of Newspaper Influence on Health Policy Development, 71:4, 820-829.

WALSH-CHILDERS, KIM, JEAN CHANCE, and KRISTIN HERZOG, Sexual Harassment of Women Journalists, 73:3, 559-581.

WALTER, GERRY, The Ideology of Success in Major American Farm Magazines, 1934-1991, 73:3, 594-608.

WANTA, WAYNE and YU-WEI HU, The Effects of Credibility, Reliance, and Exposure on Media Agenda-Setting: A Path Analysis Model, 71:1, 90-98.

WANTA, WAYNE and DANDAN GAO, Young Readers and the Newspaper: Factors Affecting Information Recall and Perceived Enjoyment, Readability, and Attractiveness, 71:4, 926-936.

WANTA, WAYNE and WILLIAM R. ELLIOTT, Did the “Magic” Work? Knowledge of HIV/AIDS and the Knowledge Gap Hypothesis, 72:2, 312-321.

WANTA, WAYNE and WILLIAM M. KUNZ, The Impact of the Baseball Strike on Newspapers, 74:1, 184-194.

WANTA, WAYNE (See Golan).

WANTA, WAYNE (See Johnson).

WANTA, WAYNE (See Miller).

WANTA, WAYNE (See Russial).

WARD, JEAN (See Hansen).

WARE, WILLIAM and MICHEL DUPAGNE, Effects of U.S. Television Programs on Foreign Audiences: A Meta Analysis, 71:4, 947-959.

WARLAUMONT, HAZEL G., Appropriating Reality: Consumers’ Perceptions of Schema-Inconsistent Advertising, 74:1, 39-54.

WARREN, RON, Preaching to the Choir? Parents’ Use of TV Ratings to Mediate Children’s Viewing, 79:4, 867-886.

WATERS, KEN, Vibrant, But Invisible: A Study of Contemporary Religious Periodicals, 78:2, 307-320.
WATTS, MARK D. (See Domke).

WEAVER, ANDREW J. (See Tewksbury).

WEAVER, DAVID and DAN DREW, Voter Learning in the 1992 Presidential Election: Did the “Nontraditional” Media and Debates Matter?, 72:1, 7-17.

WEAVER, DAVID and DAN DREW, Voter Learning and Interest in the 2000 Presidential Election: Did the Media Matter?, 78:4, 787-798.


WEAVER, DAVID (See Kamhawi).




WEAVER, DAVID H. (See Willnat).

WEAVER, JAMES B., III and ELIZABETH A. LAIRD, Mood Management during the Menstrual Cycle through Selective Exposure to Television, 72:1, 139-146.

WEI, RAN, From Luxury to Utility: A Longitudinal Analysis of Cell Phone Laggards, 78:4, 702-719.
WEI, RAN (See Leung).

WEIMANN, GABRIEL and GIDEON FISHMAN, Reconstructing Suicide: Reporting Suicide in the Israeli Press, 72:3, 551-558.

WEISPFENNING, JOHN, Television Self-Regulation: Organizational Processes and the Network Censors, 71:3, 609-617.

WELLS, ROBERT A. and ERIKA G. KING, Prestige Newspaper Coverage of Foreign Affairs in the 1990 Congressional Campaigns, 71:3, 652-664.

WEST, MARK DOUGLAS, Validating a Scale for the Measurement of Credibility: A Covariance Structure Modeling Approach, 71:1, 159-168.

WHITE, ANNE BARTON (See Johnston).

WHITE, H. ALLEN, The Salience and Pertinence of Ethics: When Journalists Do and Don’t Think for Themselves, 73:1, 17-28.

WHITE, H. ALLEN, Considering Interacting Factors in the Third-Person Effect: Argument Strength and Social Distance, 74:3, 557-564.

WHITE, H. ALLEN and JOHN F. DILLON, Knowledge about Others’ Reaction to a Public Service Announcement: The Impact of Self Persuasion and Third-Person Perception, 77:4, 788-803.

WICKS, ROBERT H., Remembering the News: Effects of Medium and Message Discrepancy on News Recall over Time, 72:3, 666-681.

WICKS, ROBERT H. and BOUBACAR SOULEY, Going Negative: Candidate Usage of Internet Web Sites during the 2000 Presidential Campaign, 80:1, 128-144.

WILKE, JÜRGEN and BERNHARD ROSENBERGER, Importing Foreign News: A Case Study of the German Service of the Associated Press, 71:2, 421-432.

WILLNAT, LARS, ZHOU HE, and HAO XIAOMING, Foreign Media Exposure and Perceptions of Americans in Hong Kong, Shenzhen, and Singapore, 74:4, 738-756.

WILLNAT, LARS and DAVID H. WEAVER, Public Opinion on Investigative Reporting in the 1990s: Has Anything Changed since the 1980s?, 75:3, 449-463.


WINFIELD, BETTY HOUCHIN and BARBARA FRIEDMAN, Gender Politics: News Coverage of the Candidates’ Wives in Campaign 2000, 80:3, 548-566.

WINFIELD, BETTY HOUCHIN, The Press Response to the Corps of Discovery: The Making of Heroes in an Egalitarian Age, 80:4, 866-883.

WITHERSPOON, ELIZABETH M., Courage of Convictions: The St. Louis Post-Dispatch, the New York Times, and Reform of the Pure Food and Drug Act, 1933-1937, 75:4, 776-788.

WOLBURG, JOYCE M., Time: The “Silent” Cultural Value in American Television Advertising, 76:3, 419-432.

WOO, HYUNG-JIN and JOSEPH R. DOMINICK, Acculturation, Cultivation, and Daytime TV Talk Shows, 80:1, 109-127.

WRIGLEY, BRENDA (See Shoemaker).

WU, H. DENIS and ARATI BECHTEL, Web Site Use and News Topic and Type, 79:1, 73-86.


WU, WEI, DAVID WEAVER, and OWEN V. JOHNSON, Professional Roles of Russian and U.S. Journalists: A Comparative Study, 73:3, 534-548.

WU, WEI and SOH HOON KOO, Perceived Effects of Sexually Explicit Internet Content: The Third-Person Effect in Singapore, 78:2, 260-274.

WU, WEI (See Zhu).

WYATT, ROBERT O., JOOHAN KIM, and ELIHU KATZ, How Feeling Free to Talk Affects Ordinary Political Conversation, Purposeful Argumentation, and Civic Participation, 77:1, 99-114.

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