Journalism Quarterly Index-Cable

Volumes 61 to 70
1984 to 1993
Subject Index: Cable

Cable Access: Market Concerns Amidst the Marketplace of Ideas (David Atkin and Robert LaRose), 68:354-62.

Cable Public Access as a Public Forum (Gregory S. Porter and Mark S. Banks), 65:39-45.

Cable Television’s Impact on Audience for Local News (James G. Webster), 61:419-22.

Community Ties in a Rural Midwest Community and Use of Newspapers and Cable TV (Kasisomayajula Viswanath, John R. Finnegan Jr., Brenda Rooney and John Potter), 67:899-911.

Community Ties and Use of Cable TV and Newspapers in a Midwest Suburb (John R. Finnegan Jr. and Kasisomayajula Viswanath), 65:456-63.

A Comparison of Cable Disconnecters and Subscribers (Don Umphrey), 66:628-631.

Consumer Costs: A Determinant in Upgrading or Downgrading of Cable Services (Don Umphrey), 68:698-708.

Effects of Cable Television on News Use (Joey Reagan), 61:317-24.

Gratifications of Grazing: An Exploratory Study of Remote Control Use (James R. Walker and Robert V. Bellamy Jr.), 68:422-31.

How Presence of Cable Affects Parental Mediation of TV Viewing (David Atkin, Carrie Heeter, and Thomas Baldwin), 66:557-63.

The Impact of Cable on Traditional TV News Viewing (Lucy L. Henke, Thomas R. Donohue, Christopher Cook and Diane Cheung), 61:174-78.

Impact of Cable Television on Library Borrowing (E. W. Brody), 61:686-88.

Influence of Cable on Television News Audiences (Thomas F. Baldwin, Marianne Barrett and Benjamin Bates), 69:651-58.

Local Predictors of Basic and Pay Subscribership (Joey Reagan, Richard V. Ducey and James Bernstein), 62:397-400.

Nationally Distributed ChildrenÕs Shows: What Cable TV Contributes (Michele Siemicki, David Atkin, Bradley Greenberg and Thomas Baldwin), 63:710-18, 734.

Public Vs. Private: Attitudes Toward Ownership of Cable TV Systems (Leo W. Jeffres), 61:325-31.

Segmenting the Cable Audience by Reason for Subscribing (Don Umphrey), 65:972-75.

Telecommunications Research Productivity of U.S. Communication Programs: 1984-1989 (Richard C. Vincent), 68:840-51.

An Update on Cable TV Ownership: 1985 (Herbert H. Howard), 63:706-09.

The Weekly ‘World Report’ on CNN, An Analysis, (Charles Ganzert and Don M. Flournoy), 69:188-94.


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