Journalism Quarterly Index-Readership

Volumes 61 to 70
1984 to 1993
Subject Index: Readership

An Assessment of the Cloze Procedure as an Advertising Copy Test (George Zinkhan and Edward Blair), 61:404-08.

Comprehension of Styles of Science Writing (Lloyd R. Bostian and Tomas E. Byrne), 61:676-78.

Headline Length as a Factor in Magazine Ad Readership (David A. Wesson), 66:466-68.

Newspaper Subscribing: A Dynamic Analysis (Jian-Hua Zhu and David Weaver), 66:285-94.

A Typology of Newspaper Readers (A. Carlos Ruotolo), 65:126-30.

Unpredictability as Correlate of Reader Enjoyment of News Articles (Seth Finn), 62:334-39, 345.


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